Format & Outline

Body & Text Format

Sources & Scripture References
  • All non-biblical in-text citations will be sourced at the bottom of the page in superscript/footnote style
  • References to scripture will have mouse-over (or tap) ability to pop up a box to read the cited verse(s) in NASB format
    • Example: John 3:16
Scriptural Text
  • Any in-text quotations of Scripture will be in green font color to distinguish it.
    • Example: Another example of angels appearing is when two men in white clothing stood beside the disciples during Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:10).
  • Longer Scriptural citations with multiple verses will be formatted as follows:
10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, then behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them, 11 and they said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”
Acts 1:10-11
Hover Text
  • Some acronyms, words, or phrases will have a special underline indicating they have the “hover-over” capability.
  • When you hover your mouse over, or tap on, a word or phrase with this capability, a brief definition or description will pop up.
  • For example, with frequently used terms:
    • PrM — Premillennial(ism)
    • PoM — Postmillennial(ism)
    • AM — Amillennialism(ism)
Important Highlights
When you see this specially highlighted box, it means special attention is being called to something in the discussion.

When you see this box, this is a call to action to the reader to literally pause and ponder what was just discussed. Certain passages, observations, or comments might need a special call to attention. Since this blog is dedicated to objective facts and observations of Scripture, this will serve as a way to push aside preconceived ideas and take a fair and objective look at what was just discussed.

Post Outline

Primary Discussion

The main body of text containing the discussion related to that day’s post.

Key Concepts

This section will include any important concepts or topics that were mentioned in the post, but not the focal point of the post. Anything listed here should be further studied by the reader and may be the primary subject of later posts.

Recommend Sources

This section will list any sources that are related to the subject of the post to provide the reader with material for further study on the related post’s subject.


This section will contain the references to any in-text citations.

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